Spring Unit Study Pre-Order! All Orders Ship by April 11th!
What is Permaculture?
Integrate Instead of Segregate
Small & Slow Solutions
Conventional Versus Organic Farming Practices.
Organic Farming Pros & Cons.
An introduction to permaculture.
First & Last Frost Date.
The Farmer's Almanac
What are Heirloom Seeds.
Heirloom, Hybrid vs. GMO Seeds.
Seed Starting.
Hardening Off.
Seed Saving.
Spring Plants - Watch 2:00 - 4:40.
Example of a Spring Time Harvest
Time lapse of a seed germinating.
Tomato Flower.
Milkweed seed pod expulsion
What parts of the plant do we eat.
Soil Texture Test.
Summer Harvest.
Annuals vs. Perennials
Types of Mulch
Mulch as a Natural Compost
Beneficial Insects.
Making a Butterfly Puddle.
Supporting Your Local Farmer.
Artificial Preservatives
Harmful Garden Bugs.
Organic Pest Management
Composting Basics.
What not to Compost.
Chlorophyll under a Microscope.
Eliot Coleman.
Cold Frames.
Garlic Scapes.
Carrot Top Pesto.
Mini Cabbages
Water Bath Canning.
Pressure Canning.
Cover Crops.
Maintaining Winter Structures.